Part of shopping like you Give a Damn is knowing when to say no. Impulse buys can be costly and bad for the planet.
Here is a list of questions to ask yourself before purchasing an item to avoid making unnecessary purchases.
The List of Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making a Purchase: Sustainability Style

These questions are great for both online and in-store shopping!
Do I Actually Need This Item?
This is an easy first question to ask yourself! Are you purchasing the product or clothing article because you actually need it? A lot of times we buy out of want more than out of need, so consider this before adding an item to your cart.
Why Do I Want to Buy This Item?
If the answer to the previous question was “want,” then consider asking yourself why you want this item? If it’s just it’s on sale or you’re feeling the urge of creating quick joy in your life, consider putting it back or asking yourself more of the questions below!

Do I Have Anything Else Like This At Home?
This one is particularly helpful when shopping for clothes. A lot of times we gravitate to the same style of something we already have because it’s familiar. Pause and reflect on the items you might already have at home.
Can I Think On It?
Don’t be afraid to put an item back and wait 48-72 hours to think about the purchase. This can prevent a lot of impulse buys.
When shopping online, this is a super easy tactic I use. I’ll add something to my cart, exit the website, and see if I actually remember to come back or not. If I can’t stop thinking about it then I’ll further explore purchasing, but a lot of times I forget about what I was trying to buy and don’t end up purchasing.

How often will I Use this item?
If the item is something you’re going to use once and then let sit on the shelf, consider putting it back. But for something like an appliance, this might be a purchase you use everyday. For something like a fancy dress, this might be sometime you only wear every so often.
What is the cost per use of this item?
This concept is talked a lot about in sustainable fashion: cost per wear. This is the total cost of the item divided by the amount of times you wear the item. If you’re only going to wear the item a few times, then it’s probably not worth the cost!
Does This Purchase Support a Business That Shares My Values?
This is a big one for me! I’m easily able to stop myself from making purchases at name brand retailers because I remind myself that I’d rather support a small business with ethical and sustainable practices. Where you buy products from matters!

How Long with This Item Last?
Whenever I purchase something, I try to invest in high quality products and clothing. The longer something lasts, the more sustainable it is.
What to this item at the end of it’s lifecycle?
Consider the materials the item or the garment are made with. Can the item be composted, recycled, resold once you are done with the item? Or will it end up in the landfill adding to the waste problem?
I hope that this list of questions has encouraged you to take a pause before impulse shopping.